Vision: All children will learn, grow, and develop to realize their full potential.

About PAT
Parents As Teachers (PAT) is an early childhood parent education and family support program that serves families with children from pregnancy until their child enters kindergarten. PAT services are currently available in Dallas, Madison, Warren, Marion, and Jasper counties.
All services are offered to residents at no charge. Funding is provided by 4RKids and JMP Early Childhood Iowa Area, Prevent Child Abuse Iowa, and United Way of Central Iowa.
We love our Parent Educator. She offers so much support and encouragement to us. We are very grateful. The program is great and we are so glad we found you!
-PAT Participant

My Parent Educator really helped me work through and understand my son’s outbursts and behavioral issues. She showed me different methods on how to address them when they would arise. I’ve noticed a huge difference in [my son] for the better from our first PAT visit until now.
- PAT Participant

How Does Parents As Teachers Work?
The Parents as Teachers program is designed to offer developmental information and support to parents of infants and young children. The goal of the program is to help parents give their children the best possible start in life. Parents as Teachers partners with parents to help each child reach his or her potential. This is done through:
1) Personal visits
At these visits, the parent educator shares age-appropriate child development and parenting information, teaches you how to observe your children, and addresses your parenting concerns.
2) Parent Group Connections
These groups are an opportunity to share information about parenting issues and child development.
3) Developmental Screenings
Developmental screenings are used to assess your child's overall development and provide resources or support if needed.
4) Resource Network
The program also links your family to other community services and resources based on your family's needs.
What can you expect from PAT?
• Information on what you can reasonably expect of your child at each stage of development.
• Learning how to be a good observer of your child so you can help them grow and be successful in school and life.
• Ideas on how to play with your child with age-appropriate activities and materials that help them learn.
• To gain the confidence and skills needed to be your child's first and most important teacher.
• Qualifying PAT families can receive diapers from our Diaper Bank program.
How do I qualify for PAT?
To qualify for PAT, your family must meet BOTH of the following:
Live in Dallas, Madison, Marion, Jasper, or Warren County, Iowa
Have at least one child age prenatal through three who is not enrolled in full time preschool
Note: We give priority to families who meet ONE of the following:
Your yearly income is less than the chart below
At least one parent in the household has no more than a high school education
Your child is working with Early ACCESS or AEA and has an IEP or IFSP
We do have limited spots for families who do not meet any of the three qualifications above, but you may be placed on our waiting list until a spot becomes available.
Families enrolled in PAT could qualify to receive diapers monthly!
Number in household (including prenatal) = Annual income must be at or below:
2 = $42,300
3 = $53,300
4 = $64,300
5 = $75,300
6 = $86,300
7 = $97,300
8 = $108,300

"The activities help show me how to connect with my children and play instead of just being the strict disciplinarian. My girls are always excited for her to come over. [My Parent Educator] shows me how to relate and talk to my children better. [My Educator] is the BEST! Wonderful program! Thank you for everything!"
- PAT Participant
Enroll Today!
You and your child deserve the support PAT offers. Give your child the best possible start in life!
Contact Rachel at (515) 238-8170 or rachel@shortyears.org, or click on the button below.
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